Bathing is one of the healthiest and hygienic activities. It not only cleans and refreshes you but it also keeps your mind in peace. Baths and beauty are essential for each other. Here you will find out that how you can take the ideal bath for summer which will add to your beauty. So here we go!
Bathing is good for health and for your beauty. It rejoices your skin, your body and your soul especially in summers where sweating, itching and unbearable body adour and dull hair becomes the beauty killers. Follow the given steps and enjoy the ideal summer bath.
Comb your Beautiful Hair for Royal Wash:
Before starting your summer beauty bath, comb your hair and do trimming of the ends. Remember that trimming the ends of your hair a little and combing it properly before bath avoids unnecessary hair loss and the hair dead ends. You can take it as pre condition for ideal beauty bath.
Water and its Temperature
Turn on the water and see weather its temperature is according to your requirement. Most of the people prefer to take bath with medium warm water even in summer, some with normal temperature cool water. It’s almost rare that a person takes bath with chilled water which is almost impossible and injurious to health too. We recommend you to take bath with normal cool water. The normal cool water keeps the level of extending the pores at medium and hence you will feel relaxed and calm where chilled water contracts the pores and alerts the mind negatively.
Wet your Body and Hair
Wet your body and hair very properly since semi wet hair can’t produce good leather when shampoo is applied. Wetting your body means adjusting your body to water temperature and removing early sweating effects.
Shampooing Session
Once your hair is wet now you can apply shampoo. Apply shampoo in scalp and strands both. Produce the leather and shampoo your hair by rubbing your scalp lightly and in circular direction. In the same way rub your hair strands. Continue this process for at least 4 minutes and then rinse it off. Here comes the need for nutritional pampering of your hair which involves conditioning. Apply conditioner in hair strands and not to scalp since it’s not recommended. Keep it for minute or two then rinses it properly and notice how your hair gets a new life after.
Pampering the Body
Here comes the most crucial part. It’s pampering your body. After making it wet now apply soap or body wash liquid on your wash cloth and rub your body lightly. Take your loofah and rub your feet and ankle with it. Use plain water for rinsing of leather. Once leather is rinsed off, you have almost taken the summer bath. Give it a nice finish by having the healthy bath by adding few tonics in it, which goes by in next step.
The Healthy Finishing
Turn on the water in the bathtub; add some rose water, few drops of lemon, a little anti bacterial tonic, rose petals are optional, you can add some mint leaves too. Relax, breathe and enjoy the refreshing effects of mint and lemon in your bathtub. Mint and lemon not only give soothing refreshing effects but they will also prevent sweating for long time. The anti bacterial tonic is good for rashes since it eliminates any type of bacteria.
Rose water and petals give you good aroma which will be with you till the end of the day and here you go. You are ready to dry up yourself with tender towel. Apply deodorants and body spray. These layering of perfumes and aromas will keep you fresh for long time.
Do try this sizzling and enjoyable summer bath and we bet you will find it the best.
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